Avoiding an Emergency Trip to the Dentist in Phoenix AZ
May 23, 2023
A knocked out (avulsed) tooth is a common but frequently preventable condition that can send Phoenix AZ patients to their dentist seeking emergency care.
Some of the most common ways a tooth can be knocked out and measures to prevent it are:
- Biting on hard food or objects – Chewing on ice, eating hard candy, opening bottles or packages with your teeth, and cracking nuts such as pistachios are all ways teeth can be knocked out. Although these behaviors typically cause fractures or chips, they can also cause the loss of a tooth, especially if the supporting structure is compromised by gum disease.
- Prevention – Our teeth were designed to crush or slice through food, not exert force on hard objects. Treat them well and they can serve you well for a lifetime.
- Automobile accidents – Facial injuries, especially around the mouth are common in vehicle accidents, and frequently result in one or more teeth being knocked out.
- Prevention – Always wear your seat belt to protect your teeth and your life.
- Falls – When someone falls and strikes his or her face, the loss of a tooth is common.
- Prevention – This is one of the least preventable causes of dental avulsion. Exercise caution on stairs, on ice, and in other situations when a fall is likely.
- Fighting – A blunt object swung at the face, including a fist, is a common cause of teeth being knocked out.
- Prevention – Avoid physical confrontations.
- Sports-related injuries – This is the most common reason for traumatic tooth loss.
- Prevention – Wearing a mouth guard, which is available from your dentist, significantly decreases the risk of dental injuries when playing sports.
In some cases, an avulsed tooth can be reimplanted if the proper steps for first aid are taken. Pick the tooth up by the chewing surface, and do not touch the roots. DO NOT Rinse. Soak gently in milk or water for 5-10s. Place it back in the tooth socket, if possible. If not – keep it under your tongue. If you concerned you might swallow it – place the tooth in a sterile container of saline or whole milk. See your dentist as soon as possible; reimplantation may be possible within an hour of the tooth loss.
Dr. Frost and his skilled team at Biltmore Dental Center save Phoenix smiles with effective emergency treatments and terrific dental care. Call (602) 704-0659 in an emergency or for preventive and restorative care from a trusted, compassionate dental team.