Benefits of Using Invisalign With Propel to Improve Smiles in Phoenix, AZ

Invisalign treatment with propel in phoenix is often chosen because it is discreet yet effective, while also being affordable for families on a budget.

Invisalign Described

Discreet treatment for malocclusion begins with Invisalign. Invisalign uses clear aligner trays. These trays are made in an entire series with each one worn for two weeks as patients progress through the treatment. Achieving the results is done with strict treatment compliance, wearing trays day and night and only removing them to eat or care for the teeth. Invisalign is known for providing results faster than traditional orthodontics using metal brackets and wires. Additionally, it does so without being noticeable in the smile, allowing patients to feel confident throughout their treatment.

Integration With Propel

Dr. Sameet Koppikar loves helping patients enhance their smiles with discreet treatments such as Invisalign. However, he also integrates Propel treatment along with Invisalign for even faster results. Propel is an FDA-registered medical device. It is patented for use by dental professionals. This device can be used with conventional and advanced orthodontics such as fixed or removable appliances. With alveocentesis, it provides quicker changes to the smile. It creates micro-osteoperforations, which result in localized inflammatory responses that increase both blood flow and cytokines.

This increases bone remodeling. It allows patients to address the misalignment of their smiles in an even faster manner. This micro-invasive technique called alveocentesis was developed by researches with Propel. It results in 50-60% faster movement than with conventional orthodontics alone.

Dr. Sameet Koppikar can evaluate the smile and determine if Invisalign is right for a patient. Also if utilizing it in conjunction with Propel will provide faster, more effective results for patients in and around the area of Phoenix, Arizona. A phone call to his practice is the best way to make a consultation appointment and evaluation to discuss candidacy for Invisalign with Propel. Call (602) 704-0659 today.